Thursday, 8 August 2013

Selection from Al-Malfozaat e Imam Ahmed Raza

Selection from Al-Malfozaat e Imam Ahmed Raza

QuestionWhat is the ruling of Fiqh (Hanafi) if one mistakenly recites Bismillah loudly in Salaah (before Surah)?
AnswerIf one mistakenly reads (the Bismillah) loudly, then there is no harm. But, if it is read intentionally, then it is Makruh (undesirable).
QuestionWhat is the ruling of the Shari'ah on a person who collects monies in the name of the Masjid and uses it for himself?
Answer: His abode is the Fire of Hell.
QuestionWhat is the Sunnah way of eating food?
Answer: Sitting on the floor with the right leg upright and left leg lying flat across you. Hold the bread with the left hand and break the bread and eat with the right hand. To break and eat bread (or anything) with just one hand is the practice of the cursed proud people.
QuestionCan the word "Shahar" be used with every Islamic month, e.g. Shahar Rajab al-Murajjab?
Answer: No. This word "Shahar" is used for three months - Shahar rabbi-ul-Awwal, Shahar Rabbi-ul-Akhir and Shahar Ramadaan al-Mubarak.
QuestionHow must one make Sajdah while sitting and performing one's Nafil Salaah?
Answer: Bend the head so much so that it is in line with the knees.
QuestionCan men keep long plaited hair as some Faqeers (devotees) do?
Answer: It is Haraam. Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) states in a Hadith Shareef: "The Curse of Allah is on all those men who imitate women and all women who imitate men."
QuestionIt is said that on the night of Me'raj when Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) reached the Throne (Arsh) of Allah, he bent to remove his Blessed Na'lain (Shoe) because the noble Prophet Moosa (alaihis salaam) was ordered to remove his shoe in the Plains of Aymen (Thoor Sinai), a voice called out, "O my beloved! Do not remove your shoe for it will excel the beauty and status of My Throne." Is there any authenticity in this incident?
Answer: This narration or incident is absolutely baseless and absurd.
QuestionWhat is the meaning or concept of I'lm (Knowledge)?
Answer: The meaning of I'lm is that one be fully equipped and aware of the Aqaa'id (Beliefs) of Islam and this knowledge must be constantly fresh in the mind. Also, one must have the capability of acquiring and solving various other Questions pertaining to Deen from Kitaabs without the assistance of any person.
QuestionDid the Wahabi Sect exist at the time of the Khulafaa-e-Rashideen?
Answer: It is the very sect about whom Sayyiduna Abdullah Ibne Abbas (radi Allahu anhu)requested the permission from Ameeril Mu'mineen, Sayyiduna Ali Al Murtudah(Karramallahuwajhahu) to confront. After obtaining permission from Ameeril Mu'mineen, Sayyiduna Abdullah Ibne Abbas (radi Allahu anhu) went to these people and asked them:"What was it about the Ameeril Mu'mineen that you so greatly disagree with?" They replied:"Why did the Ameer appoint Sayyiduna Abu Moosa Ashari (radi Allahu anhu) as a Hakm (Judge) in the Event of Siffeen? This is Shirk (Polytheism) because Allah states in the Quran: 'That judgement is from none but Allah'". Sayyiduna Abdullah Ibne Abbas (radi Allahu anhu)replied: "Is it not in the very Quran that states, 'If there arises a dispute between husband and wife then get one Hakam (Judge or Arbitrator) from both sides, and if the couple require a reconciliation then Almighty Allah will put them together".
(This is absolutely the same tactics used by todays Wahabis. They close their eyes when it comes to the belief of I'lm-ul-Ghaib - Knowledge of the Unseen - possessed by Sayyiduna Rasoolullah -sallalahu alaihi wasallam. It is an Islamic belief that he did possess this Science of Knowledge as an Ataee - Gift of Allah and not Zaati (Personal). But the corrupt Wahabi totally refutes this. According to them such belief is Shirk).
Sayyiduna Abdullah Ibne Abbas (radi Allahu anhu) then asked them as to what type of belief do they hold that they claim Imaan with all the Ayahs of Nafi (Negation), and Kufr with the Ayafs of Ithbaat (Affirmation). On hearing this scholastic statement of Sayyiduna Ibne Abbas (radi Allahu anhu), half of that group (5, 000) made Taubah (Repented) and joined Ameeril Mu'mineen. The remainder of the group (5, 000) remained stubborn. After this dialogue the Noble Ameeril Mu'mineen issued the order that the remainder be killed.
Sayyiduna Imaam Hasan, Imaam Husein and many other eminent scholars hesitated because this group spent the entire night in Tahajjud and spent the day in the recitation of the Holy Quraan. They said: "How could we raise our swords on such people". On the contrary, Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (sallalahu alaihi wasallam) had already in the past informed Sayyiduna Ali (Karramallahu wajhahu) about this Sect that will revolt against Islam and they will be very staunch in their external duties, i.e. of Salaah, Fasting, etc. They will leave the Deen as an arrow leaves the bow for its target, never to return again, and they will recite the Holy Quraan but it will not go below their throats.
Eventually the Muslim army was compelled to execute the command of the Ameeril Mu'mineen. Hence, the battle commenced. In the course of the Jihad, the Ameer was informed that the enemy had reached the river in retreat. On hearing this, Sayyiduna Imaam Ali Al-Murtudah (Karramallahu wajhahu) said: "By Allah! Not even 10 if them will cross the river. All will be killed on this side". So it did happen. None of the 5 000 escaped and all of them were killed. Since the army of the Ameer was impressed by the piety of the enemy he had to clear their minds and heart. To put this into effect, the Ameer issued an order to his army: "Search the bodies of the enemy. If you find Zul Thadiyya amongst them, then you have verily killed the most evil of men on earth, and if you do not find him amongst them (killed) then you have killed the best of men on earth." The search began and all the corpses were inspected. Below a pile of the executed was lying the body of this cursed person. His one hand was shaped like the breast of a woman. When Ameeril Mu'mineen saw him, he loudly shouted the Takbeer (Allahu-Akbar) and praised the Almighty Allah. Likewise, the entire muslim army was convinced and satisfied by the Karamat (I'lm-e-Ghaib) of the Ameer, praised Allah and thanked Him for cleansing this filth from the earth.
Then the illustrious Ameer again addressed the army and said: "Do you think that this cursed Sect is totally exterminated? Absolutely not! Some of them are still in the womb of thier mothers and others are in the sperm of thier fathers. When one of these groups will be exterminated the others will rise with the Fitna and this will continue until the last group will emerge with the cursed Dajjal!"
This is the very sect that will emerge in the future in different names and famous disguises. Now, in this last period of time the very same cult emerged as "Reformers of Deen" and called themselves Wahabis. All the signs about this group that were foretold in the Sahih Ahadith Shareef are found exactly in the present Wahabi followers. A few prophecies were mentioned here.
1. If you compare your Salaah with their Salaah you will regard yours as insignificant and insufficient. Likewise, your fasting in comparison to theirs ( Wahabis) and your good deeds to that of theirs.
2. They will recite the Holy Quraan but it will not go below their throats.
3. Their words and speech will be very sweet and appealing and they will quote in every step.
4. Their condition will be such that they will leave the (boundries of) Deen as an arrow leaves the bow for its target.
5. One of their signs is that most of them will shave the hair of their heads.
6. Their pants will be raised high above the ankles.
N.B.: It is said that the father of Wahabism, Ibne Abdul Wahab Najdi, used to excercise the shaving off the hair so strongly that if any women converts to his corrupt cult (Wahabism), he ordered the female to shave off her hair. This was done because he said: "This is the hair of the period of Kufr therefore it must be shaven off". This shaving off of the female hair carried on for some time until one lady confronted him and said: "Why don't you shave off the beards of your recruits when they enter you Deen. That is also the hair of the period of Kufr?" It was from then that he stopped this shameful and disgusting practise.
Look at the Wahabis of todays. Majority of them shave off their hair and lift their pants high above their ankles. How true are the prophecies of Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (sallalahu alaihi wasallam) of over 1 400 years ago. They fit on the behavior of the present day Wahabis perfectly.
A'la Hadrat (may Allah santify his soul) went on further to say:
When the Holy Prophet (sallalahu alaihi wasallam) was distributing booty after the Battle of Hunain, one person (that day Wahabi), objected to the manner of the Holy Prophet's(sallalahu alaihi wasallam) distribution and said: "I do not find justice in this distribution because some persons are getting more than the other". On hearing this remark, Sayyiduna Omar Al-Farouq (radi Allahu anhu) became furious and said: "Ya Rasoolullah! Grant me permission to behead this Munafiq (hypocrite)". He replied: "Leave him because such and such type of people will be from his offsprings". Then the Holy Prophet of Allah (sallalahu alaihi wasallam) further said: "Unfortunately, if I do not excercise justice with you then who will be just to you? May Allah have mercy on my brother (Nabi) Moosa (alaihis salaam) who was oppressed more than me!"
The pious Ulema state that the distribution of the Holy Prophet (sallalahu alaii wasallam) on the single day was more than the lifelong charity of generous kings. The jungle was full of booty and the Sahabas came in huge numbers and the Nabi of Allah distributed the booty to them moving backwards (as the goods got lesser until all was given out).
While this virtuous distribution was carrying on a Bedoin came up to the Noble Prophet(sallalahu alaihi wasallam) and kindly pulled away his Rida (Mantle) from his blessed shoulders. The force of that snatching left marks on the shoulders and the back of the Beloved Nabi (sallalahu alaihi wasallam). He did not get annoyed by this act, but all he humbly said: "Oh People! Do not hasten, by Allah you would never find me a miser at any given time". Certainly by the Lord of Power Who has sent his beloved Rasool (sallalahu alaihi wasallam) with the truth and ultimate guidance, the most esteemed Khalifa of the Almighty Allah is Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (sallalahu alaihi wasallam). Whatever bounties and mercies are recieved in this universe is indeed due to his blessings. Infact, his blessings in this universe is but an atom of his Divine Rahmah.
Arif-e-Billah, Imaam Sharfudeen Busiri (may Allah sanctify his soul) states in his famous Qasidah Burdah Shareef: "Truly the mercies of this Duniya and Akhirah is but a trace of the blessings of the Beloved Nabi (sallalahu alayhi wasallam) and all the Knowledge of the Unseen (I'lmul-Ghaib ) is but a glimpse of the sacred knowledge of Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (sallalahu alaihi wasallam)".
One day the eminent Ashaab of the Holy Prophet (sallalahu alaihi wasallam) were assembled around him and a person came by and stood at the edge of the Majlis Shareef. Immediately, he proceeded from there into Musjid-e-Nabawi Shareef. The Holy Prophet (sallalahu alaihi wasallam) addressed the Sahaba and said: "Who amongst you will go and kill him?"Sayyiduna Abu Bakr As Siddique (radi Allahu anhu) got up and went towards this person who was engrossed in Salaah. He could not kill a person who was engrossed in Salaah, and returned to the Holy Prophet (sallalahu alaihi wasallam) and explained the situation.
The Beloved Nabi of Allah (sallalahu alaihi wasallam) stated again: "Who is it that will kill him?" Sayyiduna Omar Al Farouq (radi Allahu anhu) got up and went towards that person and found him in the same situation.
For the third time the Holy Prophet (sallalahu alaihi wasallam) stated: "Who is it that will kill him?" Sayyiduna Ali Al Murtudah (radi Allahu anhu) got up and said: "I will kill him". The Holy Prophet (sallalahu alaihi wasallam) said: "Yes, you would if you find him but he will not be there".
When Sayyiduna Ali (radi Allahu anhu) went to the Musjid Shareef the man had already left. Then the Nabi of Allah (sallalahu alaihi wasallam) said: "If you had killed him then a very great Fitna (dissention) would have been removed from this Ummah". He was the father of Wahabism whose offsprings are found today. They are soiling this earth and causing Fitna in this Ummah. That rude person stood on the edge of a Majlis Shareef of Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) and gave one look at everyone present there. His corrupt heart told him that there is no one in this Majlis better than himself. He was very proud and boasted of his Salaah and piety. He did not realize that Salaah or any virtue, is but a mercy of the Glorious Prophet of Allah (sallalahu alaihi wasallam).
One can never be a devout servant of Allah until one sincerely pledges his allegiance to the beloved of Allah (sallalahu alaihi wasallam). In the Holy Quraan Allah Subhaanahu Wa Ta'alaplaces the respect and honour of His Beloved Nabi before His worship. Therefore, Allah states: "So that you bring faith on Allah and his Rasool and respect and honour his Rasool and glorify Allah day and night, (meaning, perform Salaah)". The first and formost factor of Imaan is respect for the Rasool. Without respect for the Rasool, Salaah or any from of Ibadaah is useless. There are may Abdullahs (Servants of Allah) in this world but the true and sincere Abdullah is he who is Abde-Mustafa (servant of the choosen Prophet - sallalahu alaihi wasallam). If it is not so then the servant is Abde-Shaytaan - servant of the cursed Devil. Allah forbid this!
QuestionCan one recite Sura Mulk while he is alive or can someone recite for him after his demise for the purpose of protection in the Qabar? And what quantity of bread must be given in charity to the poor?
Answer: Perform this virtuous act every year of your life for the purpose of Esaale Thawaab. There is no specific quantity stipulated for Sadaqa in Shari'ah, whenever possible, with clean earnings, (bread or Naan). Infact, to do it continuously and then omit it, is not a good practise.
There are numerous benefits concerning this Blessed Surah in the Ahadith Shareef. There is no other thing or virtue equivalent to the recitation of Sura Mulk for the removal of the punishment of the grave and achieving tranquillity in it. When the Angels of punishment tries from all sides in the grave to approach the reciter of this Surah, this Mubarak Surah rebukes the Angels, "Do not come close to this person because he used to recite me". The Angels will reply, "We have been sent by Him Whose Speech you are". The Surah replies, "Await until I return and do not go near this person".
This Surah Mubarak proceeds to the Divine Court in the Presence of Allah and disputes with Him is such a manner that no creation of Allah has the courage or strength to do so. So much so that there is a delay in the pardoning of the reciter and this Sacred Sura again requests to the Almighty Lord, "This person regularly recited Me and You did not forgive him. If I am not Your Words, then peel me off from your Kitaab (Quran)". Then, the Merciful Creator will reply, "Go, I have forgiven him". Surah Mulk will immediately proceed to Jannah and get silk clothes, a comfortable pillow, flowers and fragrance, and then go back to the grave. It will then console the reciter and affectionately say to him, "I hope that you did not get frightened due to My delay in returning to you!" This Sura will lay the comfortable bedding on the floor of the grave and the order will come from Allah to the Angels of Punishment to return at once.
QuestionIs it permissible to marry in the family of Rafzees (Shiaa)? Nowadays, it is so complicated that either someone's uncle or someone's brother-in-law is a Rafzee.
Answer: It is not permissible. There are great dangers in such marriages. Your Imaan will leave your heart and the love for Allah and His Rasool (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) will also leave you. Almighty Allah states in the Holy Quraan, "If you come to your senses after the Shaitaan makes you forget, then do not sit in the company of the oppressors". Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) states, "Run far from them and keep them away from you so that they may not mislead you". There is a Hadith Shareef that is specifically related to the Rafzees, "A nation will come, they will have a bad title, they will be called Rafzee. They will not come for Jummah nor Jamaat. They will insult the pious predecessors. You must not sit in their company, nor eat, nor drink nor marry in them. If they get sick, do not visit them nor attend their funeral if they die".
Imraan bin Khataan Raqqaashi was regarded as one of the greatest Aalims and authority on Hadith (Muhaddith). He married his cousin sister who was a Kharijite. The Ulema were very disturbed and opposed this marriage. He said to them, "I have married her in order that I may guide her on the right path". Not even a year had passed before she had converted him to a Khariji. He went to hunt but became the target. This rule applies to all corrupt sects who have deviated from the Ahle Sunnah wa Jamaat. Due to their Kufr beliefs, the Ulema of Islam have passed the Fatwa of Irtidaad on them. People with such Kufr beliefs are regarded as Murtads, hence association and social bonds with them is strongly opposed as mentioned in the Hadith Shareef. Some of these corrupt cults are Wahabi, Deobandi, Qadiani, Rafzee (Shia), etc. Infact, the Nikah of a Muslim is not valid with them because of their Kufr. Children born from such marriage will be Waladu-Zina (illegitimate). Consult "Fatawa-e-Alamgeer" for details.
Question: What must one do if one coughs phlegm in Salaah?
Answer: Wipe it out on one side of your Kurta or Rumaal (later, after Salaah wash it out).
QuestionIf a woman is sickly and has limited funds that can only suffice for herself, can she travel alone for Hajj?
Answer: It is not permissible for a female to perform Hajj without a Mahram (any male with whom marriage is not permitted).
QuestionSome people have a habit of lifting their pants after Ruku and thereafter going into Sajdah. What is the Law of Shari'ah concerning such a practise?
Answer: It is Makrooh. According to some Jurist, one's Salaah breaks if it is done with both hand.
Question: What is the situation, if due to cold, one covers one's hand with a blanket or puts it into his pocket at the time of Du'a?
Answer: If I am correct, it was Hazrat Sheikh Zun Nun Misri (radi Allahu anhu) who only lifted one hand due to the cold. By an Inspiration, he was informed, "You only lifted one hand and I (Allah) have placed it in whatever I (Allah) wanted. Had you lifted the other one, I would have filled it."
Question: Do Du'as get accepted all the time?
Answer: It is stated in the Hadith Shareef that Almighty Allah is very Modest and Generous and, hence, very shameful if His servants lift their hands towards Him and get nothing. One who does not make Du'a to Allah, Allah becomes angry with him.
QuestionIs there a prohibition in shaking hands at the time of departure?
Answer: No. When the Sahaba of Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) used to meet, they shook hands and when they departed, they embraced each other.
Question: Is embracing done on both sides or one?
Answer: It is correct on one side, but the original residents of Arab Shareef embraced on both sides.
Question: Is it permissable to shake hands after five daily Salaah, Jumma and both Eids?
Answer: Yes, it is permissable. In "Naseenur Riyaad" it is recorded that this is a good practise.
Question: Can the meat of the animal slaughtered for a child's Aqiqah be consumed by the parents, grandparents, uncles and immediate families?
Answer: Certainly! They all can consume this meat. This type of Sadaqah in which all can eat is recorded in "Uqoodud Dariyyah" that the laws of Aqiqah is the same as Qurbani. P.S.: Many Muslims regard it as incorrect practice for Aqiqah meat to be eaten by the parent of the child or the immediate families. This is an un-Islamic practice. Such meat can be eaten.
Question: What is the difference between a minor sin and a major sin?
Answer: There are about 700 different types of major sins whose explanation are very lengthy. Any sin against Almighty Allah is a major sin. If you categorise the major and minor sins separately, then will regard the minor sins lightly and this in turn will become worse than a major sin. If anyone regards a sin as light, it automatically becomes a major sin. For the purpose of differentiation and a guideline, all that is important to know is that the omission of a Fardh duty is a major sin and of a Waajib is a minor sin. If any sin is committed by fearlessness and request, it is a major sin.
QuestionHow many people will a Hafiz-ul Quran help (intercede) on the Day of Qiyamah? I heard about ten persons of his family.
Answer: Yes, that is correct and on the Day of Qiyamah, a crown, which will light up the East to the West, will be placed on the head of Hufaaz parents. Intercession by a Shaheed (Martyr) will be 50 persons, Hajee 70 persons, and the Righteous Ulama - countless people so much so that those who had any contact with an Aalim of Deen will be privileged by his Shafa'at. Some will say that I gave him water for Wudhu, some will say that I did certain work for him, etc. These people will be judged accordingly and sent to Jannah (Paradise). The Judgement of the Ulema will be long over, but they will be held back and others will be going to Jannah. The Ulema will enquire as to why they are being held back from entering Jannah. Allah will reply: "On this Day, you are like the Angels to Me. Intercede, for by your intercession the Sunnis will be forgiven". It will be said to all the Righteous Sunni Ulama to intercede for all their students even though they may be as many as the stars in the sky.
QuestionIs it true that all that is possible under the Power of Allah is created?
Answer: No. Infact there are numerous things under the Power of Allah to create that He did not create, e.g. it is possible for Allah to create a human whose height reaches the skies, but Almighty Allah did not create such a man.
QuestionWhich days are good to travel?
Answer: Wednesday, Saturday and Monday. It is stated in the Hadith Shareef that if a person departs before sunrise on a Saturday for travel, then I (Holy Prophet - sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) am his security. A'la Hadrat (radi Allahu anhu) then states: "Alhamdulillah! My second trip for Hajj and my return were within these 3 days, and by the grace of Allah, I was born on a Saturday".
Question: A person is a Mureed of a certain Murshid who passed away a long time ago. Now, can this Mureed of the demised Shiekh became the disciple (Mureed) of another Shiekh?
Answer: It is forbidden to change the Bay'at for no specific valid Islamic reasons. Yes, it is permissible to renew one's Bay'at (Tajdeed). In fact, it is recommended to take Bay'at with another Murshid-e-Kaamil in the exalted Silsila of Qaderiyah without breaking ties with your Shiekh. Such Bay'at will not be regarded as a new one but a renewal of the old one. This is so because all Silsilas (Spiritual orders) leads to the main stream being the Silsila of Qaderiyah.
A'la Hadrat went on further: Once three Qalandars (certain type of Dervishes) humbled themselves in the illustrious presence of Shiekh-ul Mashaa'ikh, Sultan Nizamuddin Mehboob-e-Elahi (radi Allahu anhu). They requested for food so the Shiekh ordered the Khadim (servant) to give them whatever was present. When the Khadim presented the food, the Qalandars looked at the food, picked it up, threw it and demanded better food. Witnessing this attitude of the guests, the great Sheikh did not comment, but ordered the Khadim to present better food. The Khadim then got better food and presented it to the guests. They looked at the food, picked it up and threw it for the second time. They then demanded better food. The Noble Shiekh still kept calm and ordered for better food. Better food was presented for the third time and the Qalandars threw it away and still demanded better food. After the third time, Sheikh-ul Mashaa'ikh called the Qalandar close to him and spoke very softly in his ears: "At least this food is better than the dead ox you ate on your way to me".
When he heard this, the condition of the Qalandar changed. (On their way they were without food for three days and were starving. Eventually they came across a dead ox so they ate from it to survive). The Qalandars fell on the feet of great Shiekh and cried. Shiekh-ul Mashaa'ikh lifted them up and embraced them. They were spiritually blessed by the Sheikh. After this spiritual blessing, they started dancing in ecstasy saying: "My Murshid blessed me with Ne'mah". The disciples present there said to them: "You fool! You came here as a destitute. Whatever you received was from our Sheikh (Murshid) and not from your Murshid". They replied: "You are fools, because if it was not by the guidance of our Murshid, why would your Murshid bless us?" On hearing this, Khwaja Nizamuddin said: "They are speaking the truth. O my Brothers (disciples), if you want to learn how to become a Mureed, learn from these Qalandars".
QuestionCan a person go to the toilet if he has Arabic writing on a piece of paper kept in his pocket?
Answer: Yes, if it is hidden in his pocket, but it is better and more advisable to remove them.
QuestionDoes speaking lies, backbiting or using vulgar language nullify one's Wudhu?
Answer: No, but it is Mustahab (desirable) to make fresh Wudhu. But if Salaah is performed with such Wudhu, that Salaah will be valid but not preferable (i.e. against Mustahab).
QuestionIs there any wisdom in fixing dates of Urs of Awliya?
Answer: Yes, on the day of their Wisaal (passing away), their souls have greater concentration in the respected graves. Hence, this is the perfect time to derive the bounties of Rahmah from them.
QuestionWhat is the comment on ladies using Miswaak?
Answer: It is the Sunnat of Ummul Mu'mineen, Sayyidah Ayesha Siddiqa (radi Allahu anha)for the women. There is no harm if they do not make Miswaak. Their teeth and gums, in comparison to men, are weaker. The use of the fingers, instead of Miswaak, will suffice for them.
Question: It is commanded in the Shari'ah to approach the grave from the leg-side. If the graves are very close to one another, how would this be possible?
Answer: Firstly, enter the graveyard in such a manner that you face the leg-side. From this position, so that none of the deceased will have the difficulty to turn or raise their heads toAnswer you, offer greetings to the deceased and make Esaale Sawaab for them. If you intend to visit a specific grave, take such a route that you approach the grave from the feet-side. Make sure that you do have to jump over other Muslim graves to obtain this position, or else it is forbidden. The great Fuqaha (Jurists of Islam) have ruled that it is Haraam to cross or jump over Muslim graves.
Question: Students in schools, etc. win medals with embossed faces on it. Can this be worn in Salaah?
Answer: It is Makrooh-e-Tahreemi (close to Haraam) and if such medals are worn, Salaah will have to be repeated without wearing the medal.
QuestionWhy is Imam Abu Hanifa known as "Hanifa"?
Answer: "Haneef" means "pages." The illustrious Imam had a great love for writing, therefore he was called by that name.
QuestionHow is it to wear Khara'oon (wooden sandles)?
Answer: It is proven from correct narrators that Sayyiduna Ghousal Azam Sheikh Abdul Qaadir Jilani (radi Allahu anhu) wore Khara'oon after performing Wudhu.
QuestionHow is it to push your beard inwards under your chin?
Answer: It is recorded in Nisai' Shareef: "One who pushes up his beard, inform him that Muhammad (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) is disgusted with him."
QuestionSome people have a habit to lift their pants after Ruku and then go for Sajdah. What is the law of Shari'ah concerning such a practice?
Answer: It is Makrooh. According to some Jurists, one's Salaah breaks if it is done with both hands.
QuestionSome table-cloths have Urdu or Arabic poetry written on them. Is it permissable to eat food on such a table cloth?
Answer: No. It is not permissable!
QuestionWas Hajj Fard on all the Prophets?
Answer: As far as Hajj being Fard on them, this Allah knows best, but various Prophets did perform Hajj. Once the noble Prophet, Sayyiduna Sulaiman (alaihis salaam) was sitting on his throne and his throne flew over the Holy Kaaba. The Holy Kaaba cried to Allah and said: "O Allah! A Prophet from Your Prophets and an army of Your armies flew over me, but did not descend on me nor did they perform Salaah in me." Almighty Allah replied: "Do not cry, I will make Hajj Fard on My servants who will hasten towards you as the bird rushes towards it's nest, and they will hasten and cry bitterly as a camel cries ardently in search of it's lost baby. I will send to you the Seal of Prophets who will be the most Beloved of all Prophets."
QuestionIs it permissable to drink out of a container that has Quranic verses engraved on it?
Answer: Yes, it is permissable for the purposes of cure (Shifa) from sickness. Here too, one must be in Wudhu.
QuestionIs the hair of a dog clean?
Answer: It is correct that only the saliva of a dog is unclean (na-Paak). One should not keep a dog without having a valid reason for doing so because the Angels of Mercy do not visit that house. It is recorded in an authentic Hadith Shareef that one day the Angel Jibra'il(alaihis salaam) promised the Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) to visit him the next day on a specific time. The Nabi of Allah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) waited on that day but he did not arrive on the promised time. Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) left his room and went outside to investigate. He found the Angel standing outside the door and hence asked him the reason for doing so. The Angel Jibra'il (alaihis salaam) replied: "The Angel of Mercy does not enter that home which has a dog or photographs." The Prophet of Allah(sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) went inside and searched all the rooms and did not find anything. A puppy then emerged from under the bed. It was removed and then the Angel entered.
QuestionWhile making Qiraah in Salaah, you get confused in an Ayah. You repeat it three times, but fail to get the following Ayah. Do you have to make Sajdah-e-Sahw?
Answer: If there is a pause for more than the period of saying Subhan-Allah three times, then you must make Sajdah-e-Sahw, but not for the repetition of the Ayah three times. Not even if you repeat it a thousand times.
QuestionRespected Sir! Is it true that to visit or see an Aalim of Deen earns you Thawaab?
Answer: Yes, the Sahih Hadith Shareef reports: "To see the face of an Aalim is Ibaadah, to see the Kaaba-tullah is Ibaadah and to look at the Holy Quran is Ibaadah."
Question: If a married woman is a Kaafirah (non-believer) and embraces Islam, what is she to do about her husband who is still a Kaafir?
Answer: She has to have no contact with him and wait for three monthly cycles. If her husband embraces Islam in this period (time) then she will remain in his marriage. If he does not become a Muslim, then she is free to marry another Muslim male.
Question: Does one get Thawaab if he feeds animals?
Answer: Yes. It is stated in the Hadith Shareef: "There is benefit in every living creature,"which means that you will get blessings (Thawaab) if you comfort, feed or care for any living creature.
QuestionWas Nabi Adam (alaihis salaam) also a Rasool?
Answer: Yes, he was.
QuestionThen why is Nabi Noah (alaihis salaam) called the "First Rasool"?
Answer: Nabi Noah (alaihis salaam) was the first Rasool to be sent to the Kuffar (non-believers) and the Prophets that came before him were sent to the Muslims (Believers).

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