416 Exalted Names of the Prophet |
All praises are due to Allāh SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala Who created His Beloved Rasool Sayyidunā MuHammad Sallallaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam. Choicest Salāms and most revered Salutations upon the dazzling manifestation of the Sublime Lord SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala who is the most perfect and independent human created by the Real Absolute Almighty Allāh SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala. I - Names of the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam explicitly mentioned in the Qur'an al-Kareem 1. Muhammad: Praised One. 2. Ahmad: Most Deserving of Praise. 3. al-Ahsan: The Most Beautiful. The Best. 4. Udhun khayr: Friendly Ear. 5. al-A`la: The Highest (in all creation). 6. al-Imam: The Leader. 7. al-Amin: The Dependable. 8. al-Nabi: The Prophet. 9. al-Ummi: Literate without being taught by a Teacher -or- Base / Foundation of the Universe -or- the First & the Foremost.. 10. Anfas al-`arab: The Most Precious of the Arabs. 11. Ayatullah: The Sign of Allah. 12. Alif lam mim ra: A-L-M-R. 13. Alif lam mim sad: A-L-M-S 14. al-Burhan: The Proof. 15. al-Bashir: The Bringer of Good Tidings. 16. al-Baligh: The Very Eloquent One. 17. al-Bayyina: The Exposition. 18. Thani ithnayn: The Second of Two. 19. al-Harîs: The Insistent One. 20. al-Haqq: The Truth Itself. 21. Ha Mim: H-M. 22. Ha Mim `Ayn Sîn Qaf: H-M- ` -S-Q. 23. al-Hanif: The One of Primordial Religion. 24. Khatim al-nabiyyin: The Seal of Prophets. 25. al-Khabir: The Knowledgeable One. 26. al-Da`i: The Summoner. 27. Dhu al-quwwa: The Strong One. 28. Rahmatun li al-`alamin: A Mercy for the Worlds. 29. al-Ra'uf: The Gentle One. 30. al-Rahim: The Compassionate One. 31. al-Rasul: The Messenger. 32. Sabil Allah: The Path to Allah. 33. al-Siraj al-munir: The Light-Giving Lamp. 34. al-Shâhid: The Eyewitness. 35. al-Shahîd: The Giver of Testimony. 36. al-Sâhib: The Companion. 37. al-Sidq: Truthfulness Itself. 38. al-Sirat al-mustaqim: The Straight Way. 39. Tah Sîn: T-S. 40. Tah Sîn Mim: T-S-M. 41. Tah Ha: T-H. 42. al-`Amil: The Worker. 43. al-`Abd: The Slave. 44. `Abd Allah: Allah's Slave. 45. al-`Urwat al-wuthqa: The Sure Rope. 46. al-`Aziz: The Mighty One. The Dearest One. 47. al-Fajr: The Dawn. 48. Fadl Allah: Allah's Grace. 49. Qadamu Sidq: Truthful Ground. 50. al-Karim: The Generous One. 51. Kaf Ha' Ya' `Ayn Sad: K-H-Y- ` - S 52. al-Lisan: Language Itself. 53. al-Mubashshir: The Harbinger of Goodness. 54. al-Mubîn: The Manifest. 55. al-Muddaththir: The Cloaked One. 56. al-Muzzammil: The Enshrouded One. 57. al-Mudhakkir: The Reminder. 58. al-Mursal: The Envoy. 59. al-Muslim: The One Who Submits. 60. al-Mashhud: The One Witnessed To. 61. al-Musaddiq: The Confirmer. 62. al-Muta`: The One Who Is Obeyed. 63. al-Makîn: The Staunch One. 64. al-Munadi: The Crier. 65. al-Mundhir: The Admonisher. 66. al-Mizan: The Balance. 67. al-Nas: Humanity. 68. al-Najm: The Star. 69. al-Thaqib: The Sharp-Witted One. 70. al-Nadhîr: The Warner. 71. Ni`mat Allah: Allah's Great Favor. 72. al-Nur: The Light. 73. Nun: N. 74. al-Hadi: Guidance Itself. 75. al-Wali: The Ally. 76. al-Yatim: The Orphan. The Unique One. 77. Ya Sîn: I-S. II- Names of the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallammentioned in the Qur'an as verbs 078. âkhidh al-sadaqat: The Collector of Alms. 079. al-âmir: The Commander. 080. al-Nâhi: The Forbidder. 081. al-Tâli: The Successor. 082. al-Hâkim: The Arbitrator. 083. al-Dhakir: The Rememberer. 084. al-Râdi: The Acquiescent. 085. al-Râghib: The Keen. 086. al-Wâdi`: The Deposer. 087. Rafî` al-dhikr: The One of Exalted Fame. 088. Rafî` al-darajât: The One of The Exalted Ranks. 089. al-Sâjid: The Prostrate. 090. al-Sâbir: The Long-Suffering. 091. al-Sâdi`: The Conqueror of Obstacles. 092. al-Safuh: The Oft-Forgiving. 093. al-`âbid: The Worshipful. 094. al-`âlim: The Knower. 095. al-`Alîm: The Deeply Aware. 096. al-`Afuw: The Grantor of Pardon. 097. al-Ghâlib: The Victor. 098. al-Ghani: The Free From Want. 099. al-Muballigh: The Bearer of News. 100. al-Muttaba`: He Who Is Followed. 101. al-Mutabattil: The Utter Devotee. 102. al-Mutarabbis: The Expectant One. 103. al-Muhallil: The Dispenser of Permissions. 104. al-Muharrim: The Mandator of Prohibitions. 105. al-Murattil: The Articulate. 106. al-Muzakki: The Purifier. 107. al-Musabbih: The Lauder. 108. al-Musta`îdh: The Seeker of Refuge. 109. al-Mustaghfir: The Seeker of Forgiveness. 110. al-Mu'min: The Believer. The Grantor of Safety. 111. al-Mushâwir: The Consultant. 112. al-Musalli: The Prayerful. 113. al-Mu`azzaz: The Strengthened One. 114. al-Muwaqqar: Held in Awe. 115. al-Ma`sum: Immune. 116. al-Mansur: The One With Divine Help. 117. al-Mawla: The Master of Favors and Help. 118. al-Mu'ayyad: The Recipient of Support. 119. al-Nâsib: The One Who Makes Great Effort. 120. al-Hâdi: The Guide. 121. al-Wâ`izh: The Exhorter. [Note: The character <â> denotes a long A or alif.] III- Names of the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam in the Hadith and the Ancient Books 122. Ajîr: The Saved One. 123. Uhyad: The Dissuader. 124. Ahhad: The Peerless One. 125. Akhumakh: Of Sound Submission. 126. al-Atqa: The Most Godwary. 127. al-Abarr: The Most Righteous One. The Most Pious One. 128. al-Abyad: The Fairest One. 129. al-Agharr: The Most Radiant One. 130. al-Anfar: The One With the Largest Assembly. 131. al-Asdaq: The Most Truthful. 132. al-Ajwad: The Most Bounteous. 133. Ashja` al-Nas: The Most Courageous of Humanity. 134. al-âkhidh bi al-hujuzât: The Grasper of Waist-Knots. 135. Arjah al-nas `aqlan: The Foremost in Humankind in Intellect. 136. al-A`lamu billah: The Foremost in Knowledge of Allah. 137. al-Akhsha lillah: The Foremost in Fear of Allah. 138. Afsah al-`arab: The Most Articulate of the Arabs. 139. Aktharu al-anbiya'i tabi`an: The Prophet With The Largest Following. 140. al-Akram: The One Held in Highest Honor. 141. al-Iklil: The Diadem. 142. Imam al-nabiyyin: The Leader of Prophets. 143. Imam al-muttaqin: The Leader of the Godwary. 144. Imam al-nas: The Leader of Humankind. 145. Imam al-khayr: The Good Leader. 146. al-Amân: The Safeguard. 147. Amanatu as-habih: (The Keeper of) His Companions's Trust. 148. al-Awwal: The First. 149. al-âkhir: The Last. 140: Ukhrâya: The Last (of the Prophets). His name in the Torah. 141: al-Awwâh: The One Who Cries Ah. 142: al-Abtahi: The One from Bitah between Mecca and Mina. 143. al-Bâriqlît, al-Barqalîtos: The Paraclete. The Spirit of Holiness. The Innocent One. 144. al-Bâtin: The Hidden One (in his station). 145. Bim'udhma'udh: One of his names in the Torah. 146. al-Bayan: The Exposition. 147. al-Taqi: The One Who Guards Himself. 148. al-Tihami: The One from Tihama (the lowland of the Hijaz). 149. al-Thimal: The Protector. 150. al-Jabbar: The Fierce One. 151. al-Khatim: The Sealer. 152. al-Hâshir: The Gatherer. 153. Hât Hât: His name in the Psalms. 154. al-Hâfizh: The Preserver. 155. Hâmid: Praiseful. 156. Hâmil liwa' al-hamd: Bearer of the Flag of Praise. 157: Habib Allah: Allah's Beloved. 158. Habib al-Rahman: The Beloved of the Merciful. 159. Habîtan: His name in the Injil. 160. al-Hujja: The Proof. 162. Hirzan li al-`ayn: A Barrier Against The Evil Eye. 163. al-Hasîb: The Sufficient One. The Highborn One. 164. al-Hafîzh: The Keeper and Guardian. 165. al-Hakîm: The Wise One. 166. al-Halîm: The Meek One. 167. Hammitâya: Guardian of Sanctity. 168. al-Humayd: The Praised One. 169. al-Hamîd: The Praised One. 170. al-Hayy: The Living One. 171. Khâzin mal Allah: Allah's Treasurer. 172. al-Khâshi`: The Fearful One. 173. al-Khâdi`: The Submissive One. 174. Khatîb al-nabiyyin: The Orator Among the Prophets. 175. Khalil Allah: Allah's Close Friend. 176. Khalifat Allah: Allah's Deputy. 177. Khayr al-`alamin: The Greatest Goodness in the Worlds. 178. Khayru khalq Allah: The Greatest Good in Allah's Creation. 179. Khayru hadhihi al-umma: The Best of This Community. 180. Dar al-hikma: The House of Wisdom. 181. al-Dâmigh: The Refuter (of Falsehoods). 182. al-Dhikr: The Remembrance. 183. al-Dhakkar: The One Who Remembers Much. 184. al-Râfi`: The Exalter. 185. Râkib al-buraq: The Rider of the Buraq. 186. Râkib al-jamal: The Rider of the Camel. 187. Rahmatun muhdat: Mercy Bestowed. 188. Rasul al-rahma: The Emissary of Mercy. 189. Rasul al-raha: The Emissary of Relief. 190. Rasul / Nabi al-malahim: The Emissary / Prophet of Battles. 191. Rukn al-mutawadi`in: The Pillar of the Humble Ones. 192. al-Rahhab: The Most Fearful. 193. Ruh al-haqq: The Spirit of Truth. 194. Ruh al-qudus: The Spirit of Holiness. 195. al-Zahid: The One Who Does-Without. 196. al-Zaki: The Pure One. 197. al-Zamzami: The Heir of Zamzam. 198. Zaynu man wâfa al-qiyama: The Ornament of All Present on the Day of Judgment. 199. Sabiq: Foremost. 200. Sarkhatilos: Paraclete (in Syriac). 201. Sa`id: Felicitous. 202. al-Salam: Peace. 203. Sayyid al-nas: The Master of Humanity. 204. Sayyid walad Adam: The Master of the Children of Adam. 205. Sayf Allah: Allah's Sword. 206. al-Shâri`: The Law-Giver. 207. al-Shâfi`: The Intercessor. 208. al-Shafî`: The Constant Intercessor. 209. al-Mushaffa`: The One Granted Intercession. 210. al-Shâkir: The Thankful One. 211. al-Shakkâr: The One Who Thanks Much. 212. al-Shakur: The Ever-Thankful. 213. Sâhib al-taj: The Wearer of the Crown. 214. Sâhib al-hujja: The Bringer of The Proof. 215. Sâhib al-hawd: The Owner of the Pond. 216. Sâhib al-kawthar: The Owner of the River of Kawthar. 217. Sâhib al-hatîm: The Lord of the Court Before the Ka`ba. 218. Sâhib al-khâtim: The Owner of the Seal. 219. Sâhibu Zamzam: The Owner of Zamzam. 220. Sâhib al-sultan: The Possessor of Authority. 221: Sâhib al-sayf: The Bearer of the Sword. 222. Sâhib al-shafa`at al-kubra: The Great Intercessor. 223. Sâhib al-qadib: The Bearer of the Rod. 224. Sâhib al-liwa': The Carrier of the Flag. 225. Sâhib al-mahshar: The Lord of the Gathering. 226. Sâhib al-mudarra`a: The Wearer of Armor. 227. Sâhib al-mash`ar: The Owner of the Landmark. 228. Sâhib al-mi`raj: The One Who Ascended. 229. Sâhib al-maqam al-mahmud: The One of Glorified Station. 230. Sâhib al-minbar: The Owner of the Pulpit. 231. Sâhib al-na`layn: The Wearer of Sandals. 232. Sâhib al-hirâwa: The Bearer of the Cane. 233. Sâhib al-wasila: The Possessor of the Means. 234. Sâhib la ilaha illallah: The Teacher of "There is no god but Allah." 235. al-Sadiq: The Truthful. 236. al-Masduq: The Confirmed. 237. al-Sâlih: The righteous one. 238. al-Dâbit: The One Given Mastery. 239. al-Dahuk: The Cheerful One. 240. al-Tahir: The (Ritually) Pure One. 241. Tâb Tâb: Of Blessed Memory. His Name in the Torah. 242. al-Tayyib: The Salutary One. The Fragrant One. 243. al-Zhahir: The Prevailer. 244. al-`âqib: The Last in Succession. 245. al-`Adl: The Just. 246. al-`Arabi: The Arabian. The Speaker of Arabic. 247. `Ismatullah: Allah's Protection. 248. al-`Azhim: The Tremendous One. 249. al-`Afif: The Chaste One. 250. al-`Ali: The High One. 251. al-Ghafur: The Frequent and Abundant Forgiver. 252. al-Ghayth: Rain. Help (esp. in the elements). 253. al-Fâtih: The Conqueror. 254. al-Fâriq: The Separator Between Good and Bad. 255. Fârqilîta: The Paraclete. 256. Fartt: The Scout. 257. al-Fasîh: The Highly Articulate One. 258. Falâh: Felicity. 259. Fi'at al-muslimin: The Main Body of the Muslims. 260. al-Qa'im: The One Who Stands and Warns. The Establisher. 261. Qâsim: The Distributer. 262. Qa'id al-khayr: The Leader Who Guides to Goodness. 263. Qa'id al-ghurr al-muhajjalîn: Leader of the Bright-Limbed Ones. 264. al-Qattal: The Dauntless Fighter. 265. Qutham: Of Perfect Character. Gifted With Every Merit. 266. Qudmâya: The First (of the Prophets). His name in the Torah. 267. al-Qurashi: The One From Quraysh. 268. al-Qarîb: The Near One. 269. al-Qayyim: The Righteous Straightener (of the Community). 270. al-Kâff: The One Who Puts a Stop (to Disobedience). 271. al-Mâjid: The Glorifier. 272. al-Mâhi: The Eraser (of Disbelief). 273. al-Ma'mun: The One Devoid of Harm. 274. al-Mubarak: The Blessed One. 275. al-Muttaqi: The Godwary One. 276. al-Mutamakkin: Made Firm and Established. 277. al-Mutawakkil: Completely Dependent Upon Allah. 278. al-Mujtaba: The Elect One. 279. al-Mukhbit: The Humble Before Allah. 280. al-Mukhbir: The Bringer of News. 281. al-Mukhtar: The Chosen One. 282. al-Mukhlis: The Perfectly Sincere One. 283. al-Murtaja: The Much Anticipated One. 284. al-Murshid: The Guide. 285. Marhama: General Amnesty. 286. Malhama: Great Battle. 287. Marghama: Greater Force. 288. al-Musaddad: Made Righteous. 289. al-Mas`ud: The Fortunate. 290. al-Masîh: The Anointed. 291. al-Mashfu`: Granted Intercession. 292. Mushaqqah / Mushaffah: Praised One. 293. al-Mustafa: The One Chosen and Purified. 294. al-Muslih: The Reformer. 295. al-Mutahhir / al-Mutahhar: The Purifier / The Purified One. 296. al-Muti`: The Obedient One. 297. al-Mu`ti: The Giver. 298. al-Mu`aqqib: The One Who Comes Last in Succession. 299. al-Mu`allim: The Teacher. 300. al-Mifdal: The Most Generous. 301. al-Mufaddal: Favored Above All Others. 302. al-Muqaddas: The One Held Sacred. 303. Muqim al-Sunna: The Founder of The Way. 304. al-Mukrim: The One Who Honored Others. 305. al-Makki: The Meccan One. 306. al-Madani: The Madinan One. 307. al-Muntakhab: The Chosen One. 308. al-Munhaminna: The Praised One (in Syriac). 309. al-Munsif: The Equitable One. 310. al-Munib: The Oft-Repentant One. 311. al-Muhajir: The Emigrant. 312. al-Mahdi: The Well-Guided One. 313. al-Muhaymin: The Watcher. 314. al-Mu'tamin: The One Given the Trust. 315. Mûsal: Mercied. (In the Torah.) 316. Mâdh Mâdh / Mûdh Mûdh / Mîdh Mîdh: Of Blessed Memory. 317. al-Nâsikh: The Abrogator. 318. al-Nâshir: The Proclaimer. 319. al-Nâsih: The Most Sincere Adviser. 320. al-Nâsir: The Helper. 321. Nabi al-marhama: The Prophet of General Amnesty. 322. al-Nasîb: The One of High Lineage. 323. al-Naqiy: The Limpid One. 324. al-Naqîb: Trustee. Guarantor. 325. al-Hâshimi: The One of Hâshim's Line. 326. al-Wâsit: Central in Relation To All The Noble Families. 327. al-Wâ`id: The Harbinger of Terrible News. 328. al-Wasîla: The Means. 329. al-Wafi: Holder of His Promise. 330. Abu al-Qasim: Father of Qasim. 331. Abu Ibrahim: Father of Ibrahim. 332. Abu al-Mu'minin: Father of the Believers. 333. Abu al-Arâmil: Father of Widows. IV- Additional Names of Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam From Al-Jazuli's (d. 870) Dalail al-Khayrat 334. Wahîd: Unique One. 335. Sayyid: Master. 336. Jâmi`: Unifier. 337. Muqtafi: Imitated One. 338. Kâmil: Perfect One. 339. Safi Allah: Allah's Chosen and Purified One. 340. Naji Allah: Allah's Intimate Friend. 341. Kalîm Allah: Conversant With Allah. 342. Muhyin: Giver of Life. 343. Munajji: Savior. 344. Ma`lum: Of Known Position. 345. Shahîr: Famous. 346. Mashhud: Visible. 347. Misbâh: Lamp. 348. Mad`uw: Called upon. 349. Mujib: Responsive to Requests. 350. Mujab: Whose Request is Granted. 351. Hafiy: Affectionate and Kind. 352. Mukarram: Highly Honored. 353. Matîn: Steadfast. 354. Mu'ammil: Rouser of Hope. 355. Wasûl: Conveyer? 356. Dhu hurma: Sacrosanct. 357. Dhu makâna: Of Eminent Station. 358. Dhu `izz: Endowed With Might. 359. Dhu Fadl: Pre-Eminent. 360. Ghawth: Helper. 361. Ghayyath: Prompt and Frequent Helper. 362. Hadiyyatullah: Allah's Gift. 363. Sirât Allah: The Way to Allah. 364. Dhikrullah: The Remembrance of Allah. 365. Hizbullah: The Party of Allah. 366. Muntaqa: Carefully Selected. 367. Abu al-Tahir: Father of Tahir. 368. Barr: Pious. Dutiful. 369. Mubirr: Who Overcomes. 370. Wajîh: Distinguished In Allah's Sight. 371. Nasîh: One Who Excels At Sincere Advice. 372. Wakîl: Trustee. Dependable. 373. Kafîl: Guarantor. Guardian. 374. Shafîq: Solicitous. Tender. 375. Ruh al-qist: The Spirit of Justice. 376. Muktafi: Does With Little. 377. Bâligh: One Who Has Reached His Goal. 378. Shâfi: Healer. 379. Wâsil: One Who has Reached His Goal. 380. Mawsûl: Connected. 381. Sâ'iq: (Mindful) Conductor. 382. Muhdi: Guide. 383. Muqaddam: Pre-eminent One. 384. Fâdil: Most Excellent One. 385. Miftâh: Key. 386. Miftâh al-rahma: The Key to Mercy. 387. Miftâh al-janna: The Key to Paradise. 388. `Alam al-iman: The Standard of Belief. 389. `Alam al-yaqîn: The Standard of Certainty. 390. Dalîl al-khayrât: The Guide to Good Things. 391. Musahhih al-hasanât: The Ratifier of Good Deeds. 392. Muqîl al-`atharât: The Dismisser of Private Faults. 393. Safûh `an al-zallât: The One Who Disregards Lapses. 394. Sâhib al-qadam: Possessor of The Foothold. 395. Makhsûs bi al-`izz: Alone to Be Granted Might. 396. Makhsûs bi al-majd: Alone to Be Granted Glory. 397. Makhsûs bi al-sharaf: Alone to Be Granted Honor. 398. Sâhib al-fadîla: Possessor of Greatest Pre-Eminence. 399. Sâhib al-izâr: The Wearer of the Loin-wrap. 400. Sâhib al-rida': The Wearer of the Cloak. 401. Sâhib al-daraja al-rafî`a: Possessor of the Highest Degree. 402. Sâhib al-mighfar: Possessor of the Helmet. 403. Sâhib al-bayân: The Spokesman. 404. Mutahhar al-janân: Purified of Heart. 405. Sahîh al-islam: Completer of Islam. 406. Sayyid al-kawnayn: Master of Humanity and Jinn. 407. `Ayn al-na`îm: Spring of Bliss. Bliss Itself. 408. `Ayn al-ghurr: Spring of the Radiant Ones. Radiance Itself. 409. Sa`dullah: Felicity Bestowed by Allah. 410. Sa`d al-khalq: Felicited Bestowed Upon Creation. 411. Khatîb al-umam: The Orator to the Nations. 412. `Alam al-huda: Flag of Guidance. 413. Kâshif al-kurab: Remover of Adversities. 414. Râfi` al-rutab: The Raiser of Ranks. 415. `Izz al-`arab: Might and Glory of the Arabs. 416. Sâhib al-faraj: Bringer of Deliverance. [SallAllahu Ta'ala Alaihi wa Aalihi wa SaHbihi wa Baaraka wa Sallam] Al-Jazuli's Invocation at the End of His list of the Porphet's (SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam) Names O Allah, O our Lord! for the honor of Your elect Prophet and Pleasing Messenger before You, purify our hearts from all the traits that keep us away from Your presence and Your love, and have us pass away following his Way and adhering to his Congregation, longing to meet You, O Possessor of Majesty and Generosity! And the blessings and abundant greetings and peace of Allah be upon our master and liege-lord Muhammad SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam, and upon his Family and Companions... Aameen! |
Thursday, 8 August 2013
416 Exalted Names of the Prophet
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