Description of the Beloved Prophets Blessed Physic |
It is impossible to turn a blind eye to the fact that Beloved Prophet Muhammad (Praise and Peace be upon Him) is by far the most worthy and the greatest of all mankind, and that he is the most perfect of all, adorned with the most excellent virtues and qualities. وأحسن منك لم تر قط عينيHis physical description and character have been reported by many of his Companions and we are told that he was the most handsome man ever created, surpassing Prophet Yousuf Alaihis Salam for whom the women of the city cut their hands, فلما سمعت بمكرهن ارسلت اليهن واعتدت لهن متكا واتت كل واحدة منهن سكينا وقالت اخرج عليهن فلما راينه اكبرنه وقطعن ايديهن وقلن حاش لله ما هذا بشرا ان هذا الا ملك كريم A Green Turban Shaped round a Kullah, A Stick and A cotton Mantle or Cloak attributed to Sayyiduna wa Mawlana Rasoolullah Sallallaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam Beloved Prophet's Physical Description
Burda Sharif (Cloak) of Sayyiduna Rasoolullah Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam stored under three beautiful Pure Gold Boxes and a Mantle having embroidery done with the threads of Gold placed in One Large Separate Room at Topkapi Museum, Istanbul, Turkey Sayings of the N0ble Companionsabout the beloved Prophet's blessed Physic The following sayings are but a fraction of the multi narrations of the Companion's description of the Prophet (Praise and Peace be upon Him) although they are but a sampling, they are sufficient to convey the perception of his handsomeness. Everyone who met him said they had never seen anyone like him. When the Companion Sayyiduna Bar'a Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho saw a lock of the Prophet's hair resting on his red robe he commented, ما رأيت من ذي لمة في حلة حمراء أحسن من رسولSunan Darimi, Vol. 1, Page 35 Dalail an-Nabuwwah lil Bayhaqi, Vol. 1, Page 315 Shamail Tirmidhi, Page 3 Sayyiduna Abu Hurayrah Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho said, ما رأيت شيئا أحسن من رسول الله ، كأن الشمس تجري في وجهه ، وإذا ضحك يتلألأ في الجدر Musnad Imam Ahmad, Vol. 2, Page 350 Ibne Hibban, Vol. 8, Page 74 Muwahib al Laduniyah, Vol. 1, Page 271 Anwaarul Muhammadiyah, Page 133 Hashia Shamail Tirmidhi, Page 16 Sharha Shifa Mula Ali Qari, Hashia Naeemur Riyadh. Vol. 1 Page 338 Madarijun Nabuwwah (Persian) Page 12 Hujatullahi Ala al-Alameen, Page 689 The Blessed and Fragrant Hairs of Beloved Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam لما كان اليوم الذى دخل فيه رسول الله المدينة أضاء منها كل شىءSunan Tirmidhi, Vol. 2, Page 202, Hadith 3978 Sunan Ibn Majah, Vol. 5, Page 201, Hadith 1700 Mishkaat al-Masabih, Page 547Tabqaat ibn Sa'ad, Vol. 1, Page 221 Muwahibul ladaniyah, Vol. 1, Page 68 Anwaar al Muhammadiyah, Page 38 Seerate Halbia, Vol. 2, Page 234 Jawahir al Bihar, Page 60 Khasaisul Kubra, Vol. 1, Page 471 Madarijun Nabuiwah, Vol. 2, Page 81 Mustadrik, Vol. 3, Page 12 Ibn Asakir narrates from the Mother of the Believers, Sayyidah Ayeshah Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anha: كنت أخيط في السحر فسقطت مني الابرة فطلبتها فلم أقدر عليها فدخل رسول الله فتبينت الإبرة بشعاع نور وجههSomeone asked Jabir Ibn Samura Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho, كان وجهه مثل السيف ؟ فقال : لا ، بل مثل الشمس ، والقمر ، وكان مستديرا Your face is as bright as the full moon Let your grace and light fall on me soon Umm Ma'bad Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anha, the lady from whom the description of the Prophet (Praise and Peace be upon Him) was more profuse, said, أجمل الناس من بعيد ، وأحلاه ، وأحسنه من قريبAbi Hala's son said, يتلألأ وجهه تلألؤ القمر ليلة البدر AsSalatu wa asSalamu Alaiku Ya Sayyidi Ya Habeebi Ya RasoolALLAH SallAllahu Alaihi wa Aalihi wa SaHbihi wa Baraaka wa Sallam إذا تكلم رئى كالنور يخرج من بين ثناياه Dalail an-Nabuwwah, Vol. 1, Page 162, Hadith 141 The fourth khalifa of Islam, Hadrat Sayyiduna Mawla Ali al-Murtuda may Allah honor his face, said at the end of his description of the Prophet (Praise and Peace be upon Him)Sunan Darimi, Vol. 1, Page 70, Hadith 59 Shamail Tirmidhi, Vol. 1, Page 16 من رآه بديهة هابه ، ومن خالطه معرفة أحبه ، يقول ناعته : لم أر قبله ، ولا بعده مثلهNone like you was ever seen or created; Authority stands in your person consummated. May Allah illuminate my heart and yours, and increase our love for this Noble Prophet Praise and Peace be upon Him and keep us firm on the Maslak-e-Haqq Ahl as-Sunnah wa al-Jama'ah... Aameen!! — — — Excerpted from: Al-Shifa bi Ta'rifi Huqooqil Mustafa, Part 1, Section 2 by Imam Qadhi Iyad al-Maliki Alaihir raHmah wa ar-Ridwan |
Thursday, 8 August 2013
Description of the Beloved Prophets Blessed Physic
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