Friday, 28 June 2013

KBP celebrates ‘World Water Day’

Speakers at a seminar stressed the need for construction of more dams in the country to meet the national water requirements which according to them are turning in to a serious issue in the country. 

They alleged that past and present rulers did not pay attention towards this issue. 

They also claimed that water issue would automatically be resolved if Kashmir issue is resolved. 

They alleged that India wanted to turn Pakistan barren by constructing dams on all the rivers. 

The seminar was arranged by the Kisan Board Pakistan (KBP) here on Thursday to celebrate ‘World Water Day.’ 

KBP Vice President Sarfraz Ahmad Khan presided over the function, which was attended by a large number of growers, office-bearers of KBP and other farmers’ organization.

Speakers at a seminar stressed the need for construction of more dams in the country to meet the national water requirements, which according to them are turning in to a serious issue.

They alleged that past and present rulers did not pay attention towards the issue.

They also claimed that water issue would automatically be resolved if Kashmir issue is resolved.

They alleged that India wanted to turn Pakistan barren by constructing dams on all the rivers.

The seminar was arranged by the Kisan Board Pakistan (KBP) on Thursday to celebrate 'World Water Day.' KBP Vice President Sarfraz Ahmad Khan presided over the function, which was attended by a large number of growers, office-bearers of KBP and other farmers' organisation.

Addressing the participants, KBP Vice President said that if the rulers did not pay a serious attention to water issue then Pakistan's agriculture and farmers would be ruined in the coming time.

Former Federal Minister and Agriculture expert Sultan Ali Chaudhry, who was also the chief guest of the seminar, said that he had toiled a lot to highlight the water issue and would continue to do so.

He appreciated the efforts of the KBP and said that the government should also arrange a get together of growers and water experts to evolve a consensus to resolve the water shortage issue.

Former Federal Law Minister S.M.Zafar in his address claimed that our government did nothing on legal side to sort out the issue of water with India.

He said that Pakistan's water issue could be resolved if it is raised in the light of Indus Basin Water Treaty in the international court of justice.

While Jamaat-e-Islami leader Farid Ahmad Piracha called upon the government to resolve Kashmir issue prior to initiating trade with India.

He was of the view that water issue would automatically be solved if Kashmir issue is resolved.

Former Pakistan Indus Water Commissioner Syed Jamaat Ali Shah said that accusation of treason against him were fake.

He said that he worked day and night to safeguard Pakistan's water interest during his 18 years long tenure.

He regretted that Pakistan did not have a single legal expert on water issues.

He also called for raising the water issue in the light of Indus Basin Water Treaty on international forums.

KBP Secretary Information Haji Muhamamd Ramzan said that the whole nation should join hands to launch a movement for solution to water issues and besiege the national assembly from one platform.

Seminar was also addressed by Chaudhry Akhtar Haroon Mayo, former DG water management Mushtaq Gill, Shafqat Masood, Farmers Associates Pakistan (FAP) President Dr Tariq Bucha and others

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